Post Earthquake Response


Post Earthquake Response


Education In Emergencies

The devastating earthquakes of April and May 2015 disrupted the schooling of approximately 4 million children in Nepal. The displacement of thousands of children and their families placed an enormous amount of stress on existing resources, and further risked more children remaining out of school.

Started with SPF (Swedish Postcode Fund ) funded project we build 55 temporary learning centers, 44 gender-sensitive WASH facilities and 45 teachers received the teachers training on WASH, Psyco-social support and Disaster Risk Reduction.

At the same time we became the implementing partner of UNICEF and EU for the project Children in emergencies, in which we build Temporary learning centers and Transitional Learning Centers in four highly earthquake affected districts which are Okhaldhunga, Sindhuli, Nuwakot and Rasuwa. This project was completed in two phases:

1. Rebuilding Resilient communities through Education
2. Building Transitional Learning Centers in four earthquake affected districts

Rebuilding Resilent
Communities Through Education


As part of the recovery phase of the earthquake response,
UNICEF appointed Street Child as the lead education
organisation in Okhaldhunga, one of the hardest to reach
districts affected by the earthquake.


Constructing Transitional Learning Centres In Earthquake Affected Areas


Following our first successful project with UNICEF in
Okhaldhunga, we expanded our operations to three more
earthquake affected districts: Nuwakot, Rasuwa and Sindhuli.


Overall Impact

TLCs constructed are expected to last until 2020 and will in its operational period provide schooling to 7,000 children, retaining current students and welcoming new students. Ultimately this will reduce dropout rates of schools in the surrounding areas. In addition, through greater awareness and resilience observed in schools, we expect this to result in the creation of disaster risk management plans helping to further improve the safety of children in the event of another serious event with improved WASH facilities and psychosocial support.

Children have access to and study in TLCs
Children have access to child and gender-friendly WASH facilities
Children benefitted from education materials provided by UNICEF

Improvements in school safety, resilience, and hygiene as shown by our Impact Assessment Survey which observed knowledge being effectively absorbed by students, along with understanding processes and applying them to situations

Knowledge absorbed and integrated by the community through training of school management committees and resource centre members

Communities more resilient through school management committee and resource centre member training

Case study

Meet Mina


Mina is a shy 11-year-old with strikingly beautiful eyes. Her favourite subject is Nepali. She walks half an hour each way to get to her school in the Sindhuli Valley each day. “I had no idea there was going to be an earthquake. When it happened, I was working in a maize field with my grandparents, pulling crops out of the ground. I was terrified but I didn’t cry. After the earthquake, I couldn’t go to school for 3 days. I was bit worried when I saw the school was damaged, that the earthquake would happen again. Now that they are rebuilding the school it is wonderful. I like coming to school. I want to be a teacher when I am older.”



We are proud to be delivering these programmes in partnership with:
  • Partners
  • Donors