Building Transitional Learning
Centers In Four Highly Affected Districts
Transitional learning centers in Nuwakot, Sindhuli, Okhaldhunga and Rasuwa
Transitional learning centres (TLCs) are semi-permanent structures which are constructed in earthquake affected schools to ensure the continuity of schooling of children in safe classrooms. The life of TLCs are expected to last five years, which has helped schools to think about having permanent structures after this, thus ensuring children have no gaps in their long-term education. Through EU and UNICEF funding, our project has reached four earthquake affected districts: Okhaldhunga, Nuwakot, Rasuwa, and Sindhuli.

Our Work Resulted In:
Training given to key community stakeholders: 194 teachers, 67 SMCs (School Management Committee members), 43 PTAs (Parent Teacher Association Members), and 36 DEOs (District Educational Office members) were trained on DRR, WASH and psychological support
Developing the teacher training curriculum
Recruitment and training of individuals to deliver Recovery and Resilience training programmes to target schools